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FINERFINER was founded to give modern collectors the marketplace they deserve and to power a vibrant, circular economy for art and design. Our Terms & Conditions have been designed to treat both buyers and sellers with respect and decency.

To protect our buyers from the unexpected, we ask sellers to provide multiple images of the item they’re selling, along with dimensions, materials, a condition scale, and if relevant, authenticity documentation and known provenance.

We strongly advise buyers to closely inspect all images, descriptions, and the seller’s profile before making a purchase. If the buyer is unsure about any aspect of the item, they can send their questions to the seller via the listing page. Buyers are also advised to contact team@finerfiner.com with any questions around quality control, authentication, or delivery.



All qualifying items purchased on FINERFINER are granted 48-Hours Grace. 48-Hours Grace provides buyers 48-Hours to view their purchased items at home, before the sale is processed and funds are transferred to the seller. If a return is triggered before 48-hours is reached, the buyers funds will be held in escrow and not transferred to the seller. The purchase price, less any additional charges, will be returned to the buyer once the item is safely returned to the seller. 48-Hours Grace applies to items listed by both Individual and Professional sellers. Professional Sellers may offer an extended return window. Buyers are advised to check the seller’s profile before making a purchase and are responsible for standard return delivery costs.


To qualify for 48-Hours Grace, the item must be purchased on the platform and delivered by our team or one of our elected partners. Buyers must notify team@finerfiner.com within 48 hours of delivery if they wish to make a return. The buyer must make the item available for collection no more than 3 working days after making return request. The buyer is responsible for standard return delivery costs. The purchase funds will be held in escrow and released back to the buyer once the item is returned to the seller, in the same condition as it was delivered. It is crucial that items are treated with upmost care and packaged safely for transit, as if an item is returned damaged, or in an unsuitable condition, FINERFINER will not be able to process the full refund.


If an item is delivered to a buyer damaged, faulty, or is materially different to the item listing, buyers may return the item at no extra cost. Please note that antique, vintage and pre-owned items are not sold ‘as new’ and are likely to show signs of wear and tear; this is not sufficient grounds for damage, fault, or material difference. In cases of damage, fault or material difference, the buyer must provide photographic evidence to FINERFINER within 48 hours of delivery to returns@finerfiner.com. If the item has been damaged in transit, FINERFINER will raise an insurance claim on behalf the seller. Once the claim is resolved and any relevant decision regarding the insurance has been made, any applicable refunds will be processed.


Any item purchased with In-House Authentication will be physically checked and verified by our experts to make sure your item is exactly as the seller described it, before being delivered to you along with a certification and report.

Every authenticated item is given a Unique Certification Number (UCN), which is stored in our database and can be referred to for any purposes by the buyer, including on-sale. In the instance that we are unable to certify the item, your order will be cancelled, and we will issue a full refund. If we discover a small discrepancy with the item, we’ll send you the details so you can decide whether you would like to proceed. The charge for In-House Authentication is £51 per item, applied at checkout.


We want our community to discover, buy and sell authentic works of art and design with absolute confidence. For this reason, we take questions of authenticity very seriously. All items are rigorously checked and vetted digitally before being listed on the site. When considering a potential purchase, buyers should always feel empowered to ask for additional documentation from the seller, in relation to the work’s authenticity, provenance, condition, etc. After making a purchase, if you have doubts regarding the authenticity of your item, please report it to us directly team@finerfiner.com, with details and photographic evidence within 48 hours of receiving the item. If we conclude the item needs to be checked by our experts, we will collect the item for In-House Authentication. Our authentication team will thoroughly assess the item and will engage outside counsel, where necessary. If our experts have no doubt as to the authenticity of the item, we will return it to the buyer for a standard delivery fee. If we have any doubt about the authenticity of the item, we will cancel the order and issue a full refund, including all fees. You will receive your refund within 7 working days of the decision. Sellers are liable for the false attribution of a listing. All sellers must ensure that they are able to support the attribution, authenticity, and provenance of all listings. Submissions with questionable attribution will be declined. Sellers are advised that selling counterfeit items, unauthorized replicas, or falsely attributed items on the platform is not permitted and is also illegal.


Items are listed on FINERFINER in varying conditions. All sellers are requested to detail the condition of their item honestly and accurately, including faults and imperfections. Buyers are strongly advised to check the condition scale for clarity around what condition they can expect for each item: the scale ranges from Revive – Fair – Good – Great – Mint. In addition to the condition description and scale, most listings will include the date/ period of creation, and provenance of the item. The identity of the seller and/or previous owners may not be disclosed for a variety of reasons. For example, such information may be excluded to accommodate a seller’s request for confidentiality or because the identity of prior owners is unknown given the age of the item of property.


FINERFINER offers Standard Delivery for London buyers (note transit insurance up to £15,000 is included). For all outside London deliveries, arrangements are made after purchase, via the FINERFINER delivery team. All national and international buyers are advised to contact the team for rates and processes prior to making a purchase delivery@finerfiner.com. It is the buyer’s responsibility to ensure they are able to accept a delivery – and that their premises can accommodate the pieces you have purchased (all dimensions are provided on product pages). Our delivery team are here to help and will always do their best to assist Buyers in placing their items in their desired positions, at home.